Believe you can make a difference
I started 2019 with a dream to gather some women artists in a collaborative art project that could be use as a traveling art installation to raise funds in aid of TreeSisters: women seeding change, and their mission in reforesting the tropics. Here we are at the end of the year and through our efforts we have funded the planting of over 12,000 trees. This has been a wonderful collaboration between my Flowering Heart Project, and artists Karen Hopkins, Xenica Douglas, Deborah Punton, Tessa Wylde and me, Ursula Dutkiewicz. Very excited by what we have achieved, helping us in becoming a restorer species and giving back to the planet. Remember Green Hearts grow trees and if you would like to join in get in touch.

Australian Earth Laws Alliance Conference 2019
I spent two days at the Australian Earth Laws Alliance conference, ‘Building Earth Ethics in Australia’ with ‘ The Flowering Heart Projects ‘Tree is Life’ in aid of TreeSisters – Artists Ursula Dutkiewicz, Tessa Wylde, Karen Hopkins Art, Deborah Punton, Xenica Douglas. We were able to move on 31 green hearts and as each heart funds 40 trees it makes a total of 1,240 trees to be funded from our efforts through TreeSisters: women seeding change.

Spark the Dark – Moonee Valley Council
I was honored to participate in this event as part of Moonee Valley Council’s 16 days of activism: Spark Self-care with Spark the Dark Australia.
“800 trees are now being funded through TreeSisters: women seeding change & 20 beautiful hearts have been gifted thanks to Moonee Valley City Council embracing SPARK the DARK Australia & The Flowering Heart Project.”
Thanks to the Retro Girls, Rachel and Sandy and their Vision: To transform tragic places into healing spaces, illuminating the need for the WHOLE of humanity to Respect & Protect Women.

TreeSisters Australian Spring Retreat
I helped organize TreeSisters Australian Spring Gathering and I presented the ‘Tree is Life’ traveling art installation during the event. We all spent a wonderful relaxing morning creating hearts and from our efforts we made enough hearts to fund 2,000 trees.

‘Tree is Life’ Workshop Gasworks Studio
A rainy day so our workshop had to be inside, in the studio. We spent a very enjoyable afternoon creating Flowering Hearts.

Earth Show- Deakin Edge Federation Square
It was wonderful to be at Deakin Edge in Federation Square for the Earth Concert and Symposium with The Flowering Heart Project~’Tree is Life’ traveling art installation in aid of TreeSisters. Two hundred and forty trees were funded and I got to spruik TreeSisters and the project as well as promote my work and how I came to involve my art with TreeSisters. Gratitude to organizers Kellie Grattidge and Matthew James Fagan for including us

QTV filming by Kathy Sport
Grateful for the opportunity to share time in my studio with the community at large. Many thanks to Kathy Sport ( film maker) and QTV for creating and sharing my story. You may have to start it from the beginning. Find the episode (450) QTV Melbourne 2019 S2 E09 – YouTube

WomanFest UK 2019
Some green Flowering Hearts made it to WomanFeast 2019 in the UK thanks to Lynda Deans a keen supporter of our project. She gifted one to TreeSisters founder Claire Dubois which was a heart warming moment for me.

Courageous Conversation TreeSisters
I have a great love for TreeSisters and have been finding creative ways to fund tree planting through them in the tropics. ‘ Tree is Life’ travelling art installation is one in collaboration with artists Deborah Punton, Tessa Wylde, Karen Hopkins, Xenica Douglas and The Flowering Heart Project. Hear me talk all about it.

2019 Spring Nwsletter

‘Tree is Life’ Workshop
Hearts made through my Flowering Heart Project and ‘Tree is Life”
workshop last Sunday 29th of September. Seven people participated and
with the hearts we made, it is enough to aid the funding of 1,600 trees through
‘Tree is life’ artists are Ursula Dutkiewicz, Tessa Wylde, Karen Hopkins Art, Xenica Douglas, Deborah Punton – Greensong Ecopsychology. #treesisters #ursuladutkiewicz #treeislife #thefloweringheartproject

‘Tree is Life’ Workshop
Flowering Hearts made at the ‘Tree is Life” workshop. How simple is this to fund tree planting through Because of our ‘Tree is life’ workshop and the 9 hearts that joined us~ 360 trees will be funded. The 34 hearts we created is a further 1,360 making it a grand total of 1,720 trees. Many thanks to Space2b Social Design, Karen Hopkins, Deborah Punton, Greensong Ecopsychology for all their help and to Tessa Wylde, Princess Sparkle and The Flowering Heart Project.

Come and hear all about the traveling art work ‘Tree is Life’ ( in aid of TreeSisters a collaborative work by artists Ursula Dutkiewicz, Tessa Wylde, Karen Hopkins, Xenica Douglas, Deborah Punton and ‘The Flowering Heart Project’. Saturday 24th from 1 till 3pm at Space2b at 144 Chapel Street, St Kilda. Twenty dollars gets you a green Flowering Heart that will fund the planting of forty trees in the tropics through and you get to make more.
‘Earth’ Exhibition Space2_B
Adaptation- Gasworks Artists Exhibition
I really enjoyed exhibiting with the resident artists showcasing all our work at Gasworks Arts Park. I created a new work for the show including this tree titled ‘It’s raining plastic’ It was made from recycled plastic, bark and a branch.

The Flowering Heart Project News
Very happy to announce that through The Flowering Heart Project 1,600 trees have been funded in the last few weeks. I am delighted that my little heart creations can help reforest our planet. Earth~Heart~Art
Thank you Souls Truth Healing for inviting The Flowering Heart Project to be apart of your Woman Spirit Circle. Look at these wonderful hearts that were created and also the seven hearts will fund the planting of 280 trees in the tropics through TreeSisters: women seeding change. Louise Humphreys you are such a generous giving soul ~♡~ love your spirit.

Thank you Filiz of InfiniteU, because of your beautiful generous heart ~♡~eight Flowering hearts are to be gifted into the world and 320 trees are to be funded through TreeSisters: women seeding change. What a gift to the planet.

The Flowering Heart Project sends a BIG thank you to ‘SPARK the DARK Australia’ and ‘The Retro Girls’ whom have funded the planting of 1,000 trees through TreeSisters: women seeding change as they head up the east coast on tour. We wish them every success for the tour. Twenty five flowering hearts are heading off into the world~ green hearts grow trees.
Winter 2019 Newsletter
My latest newsletter is out and full of up coming classes, exhibitions and projects. Hope you enjoy and contact me for further information via email:

The Flowering Heart Project-is going Green
Green hearts grow trees. So excited the flowering heart is going to be planting trees in the tropics through TreeSisters.

‘Tree is Life’ creation day.
We gathered on a beautiful Melbourne day on the third of January 2019 under the shade of a big gum tree and using charcoal, ocher from the central Australia desert and various other paints the five of us spent the day creating together our two by two and a half meter canvas painting. ‘Tree is Life’ : traveling art installation is a collaborative art work by artists Ursula Dutkiewicz, Tessa Wylde, Karen Hopkins, Xenica Douglas, Deborah Punton and proudly supported by ‘The Flowering Heart Project’.

Creative Clay Classes 2019
Creative Clay Classes are up and running at the Gasworks Arts Park- Art and Craft Room. We have a full class and everyone is making some fabulous clay pieces already.